HTC One is granted S-OFF by Revolutionary
Revolutionary dev team has done it once again, providing the Sprint and GSM HTC One Models with S-OFF with their early Developer preview!
NOTE: This isnt for the avarage joe, I would sugguest waiting for a One Click tool before atempting this hack as one wrong move and result in a hard brick!
You can find the official support thread at XDA Developers
NOTE: This isnt for the avarage joe, I would sugguest waiting for a One Click tool before atempting this hack as one wrong move and result in a hard brick!
You can find the official support thread at XDA Developers
We want to give you S-OFF as soon as practically possible so an early access preview release is not a polished product but it does work (mostly). It will:-
* require knowledge of common android tools like adb and/or fastboot
* be a command line tool
* be rough around the edges
* probably crash sometimes
* fail to work everytime or in all cases or on different carrier ROMs - LET US KNOW if you get repeated failure on carrier variants.
* certainly not look pretty.
* despite being "early access" be very unlikely to brick your device (but naturally, this is possible, it's still a hack).
* give you a very good chance of getting S-OFF. Today. Right now.
* revone has been known to grant S-OFF on the latest WWE & EU RUU and Sprint HTC One.
* revone might also work on the Droid DNA 2.04 and 2.06. Awaiting (your) feedback.
* Get the Android SDK for ADB. You may need to update to the latest version of the SDK for jellybean devices.
* Download revone:
Use any operating system you like, you only need adb.
1. Download revone (above) and push it to your device: adb push revone /data/local/tmp/
2. Open an adb shell and:
* cd /data/local/tmp
* chmod 755 revone
3. (optional) If your device is unlocked and rooted please switch to root using su.
4. Prepare to gain S-OFF by running the command: ./revone -P
4a. If revone reports success reboot the device and proceed to step 5)
4b. If revone reboots the device (we'll pretend this isn't an undiagnosed random crash) please wait 2 minutes then try again from step 2.
4c. If revone reports that you need to reboot and try again please reboot and try again from step 2.
5. Now that revone has successfully prepared your device for S-OFF please open another adb shell (as per step 2) and change to
the /data/local/tmp directory.
6. Instruct revone to grant you S-OFF and unlock status by running the command: ./revone -s 0 -u
6a. Other optional command arguments:-
* -u - Unlock the device
* -l - Lock the device (as if it was never unlocked)
* -r - Relock the device (mark the device as relocked)
* -t - Reset the device's tamper flag.
7. Presuming revone reported success please reboot the device again, this time to the bootloader (adb reboot bootloader)
8. You should now observe your device is S-OFF (and the lock status changed if you invoked that option).
9. (optional) Re-run revone to remove TAMPERED from your HBOOT screen: ./revone -t
revone is brought to you by the Revolutionary dev team.
We've been silent, we're back.
Revolutionary dev team disclaims all responsibility for your use of revone (and any of our tools): If the world ends, it's not our fault. If your device spontaneously ignites, well, that's not our fault either. You make the choice to use our tool, we don't force it upon you.
Please visit #revolutionary on the Freenode IRC network. We will try to support you in the best way possible, but remember, this is early access, and operators might be asleep or not available at the time you join. Just hang around and wait for someone to answer